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The Ministry of Health, Wellness, and the Environment announces that two additional public vaccination centers will open on Monday through to Wednesday this week (Monday 31st May to Wednesday 2nd June) offering the 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccination. These vaccination centers are located at the St. Mary’s Hall commonly known as the Tyrells Roman Catholic Church Hall on the All-Saints Road and the Jennings Primary School Auditorium. The four (4) public vaccination centers located at the Glanvilles Polyclinic, the Villa Polyclinic, the Precision Center, and the Multipurpose Cultural; and Exhibition Center will remain open taking the number of operating vaccination centers to six (6). The operating hours are 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.


Persons receiving their second dose are reminded to present their vaccine card on arrival at the centers.


Persons who received their first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at the Jennings Primary School could return to the school’s auditorium and those who received theirs at the All-Saints Secondary School could go to the St. Mary’s Hall commonly known as the Tyrells Roman Catholic Church Hall or their preferred site. Persons desiring the first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine are welcome to also utilize the new centers or any vaccination site convenient to them.


This week vaccination teams will also be visiting the Medical Benefits Scheme and the Antigua and Barbuda Airport Authority to inoculate their staff. The second dose inoculation of teachers and staff of the Ministry of Education will continue this upcoming weekend, June 5th and 6th.


To date, several target groups have received the second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine to include uniformed bodies, teachers, Antigua and Barbuda Port Authority, Antigua Public Utilities Authority, Social Security, Inland Revenue, and the Financial Services Regulatory Commission.


As of Sunday, 30th May a total, 33,229 persons have received the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 15,531 have received the second dose.


The Ministry of Health is encouraging persons to avail themselves of both the first and second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

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