



Two new monarchs were crowned for the 2019 Community First Nava Carnival Mr and Miss Teenage Pageant. Winning the title of Mr Teenage Pageant…

The battle for the crown was hard fought; both winners tell ABS they did not expect to win.
Along with the title of Mr. Teenage Pageant; Jaleel also won the award for overall most helpful, and among the young men; best personality, best representation of a cultural icon and best question and answer.
Not to be out done; Vida also secured top honours in the question and answer segment among the young women.
Rounding out the winners circle; T’ Moy Peters from the Ottos Comprehensive Secondary School taking 2nd Runner up and J’Shawni Vickery of St. Joseph’s Academy as First Runner Up for the young men.
And for the young women; Amaya Gomes from Christ the King High-School as first runner up … while Annia (An-yah) Mathew from the Clare Hall Secondary School secured 2nd runner up.

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