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The Senate Passes A Bill That Introduces The Highly Touted ASYCUDA System To The Customs Division



The Senate has approved the government’s plan to introduce the new ASYCUDA software system at the Customs Division.

This comes as the Upper House debated the Customs Control and Management Amendment Act on Tuesday.

Leader of Government Business, Senator Lennox Weston says the new software forms the technological basis for Antigua and Barbuda in an increasingly competitive world.

He says the system has many benefits for the country.

Senator Weston explains that the system is used by a growing number of countries worldwide as one of its benefits is that it eliminates opportunities for fraud.

One of the other benefits of the new ASYCUDA system is that there is no longer need for importers to obtain a tax compliance certificate before clearing goods.

Weston describes this requirement as a serious dis-incentive to business.

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