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A Cuba Relations Enthusiast Has Welcomed The Government’s Plans To Mount A Trade Mission To The Spanish-Speaking Territory…



A Cuba relations enthusiast has welcomed the government’s plans to mount a trade mission to the Spanish-speaking territory.

Alister Thomas, a former member of the Antigua Caribbean Liberation Movement (A-C-L-M-), a party which strongly advocated forging ties with Cuba in the 1970s and 80s, says the move is long overdue.

However, he suggests that those who have long agitated for the relations should be included in the way forward.

On Tuesday, Minister of Trade, Commerce and Industry, the Honourable EP Chet Greene, announced that the mission is scheduled for later this month and will give Cubans access to Antigua & Barbuda products.

According to Thomas, this move will have great implications for the country’s trade, business, tourism and agricultural sectors.
He specifically identifies a potential for the pineapple industry.

In March, U-S- President Barack Obama called on the Congress to lift the five-decade-old trade embargo on Cuba.

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