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Adams on National Awards



Minister with responsibility for Culture and the Independence Homecoming festivities, the Hon. Eleston Adams, is calling for an in depth analysis of individuals nominated for National Awards.

He adds that the persons who receive national recognition should be individuals who have contributed significantly to nation building and who have made an undeniable mark in their field.

Adams is of the view that over the years some awardees have been recognized based on political biases, which should not be encouraged.

According to the rules governing national awards, the Governor General advances the awards on the advice of the Prime Minister, which is given after considering the recommendation of the National Awards Committee.

The Act states that the Award of Merit may be awarded in connection with the Order of Antigua and Barbuda to any person who has rendered meritorious service to Antigua and Barbuda.

These awards can be given in gold, silver or bronze in accordance with the Committee’s assessment of the level of service rendered by the recipient. It may also be awarded posthumously.

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