Breaking News
Attorney General rushed to MSJMC

Attorney General, Justin Simon QC, remained in hospital late Saturday in stable condition after collapsing at a restaurant in St. John’s.
Simon, said to be in his fifties, reportedly collapsed around 4.30 pm, while out with friends at Big Banana Restaurant.
He was rushed to the Mount St John’s Medical Centre.
Simon is said to have been conscious, alert and in stable condition on Saturday.
The Dominica-born Simon was appointed as Minister of Legal Affairs and Attorney General in the original cabinet of Prime Minister Baldwin Spencer when his United Progressive Party (UPP) swept to power in March 2004, ending the 28-year rule of the Antigua Labour Party (ALP).
Simon, who had originally told Spencer he intended to serve one-term as the government’s principal legal adviser, has stayed on past the UPP’s election to a second term in office in 2009.
ABS will keep you informed, as more news comes to hand.