As the CO VID 19 virus continues to cause anxiety among locals… Parliamentary Representative for Saint Paul’s Honorable E. P Chet Greene hosted a town hall...
An inspiring and heart-warming story to report this evening about the altruism of a group of primary students. Grade 6 students at TN Kirnon used their...
A major change to the leadership of the Antigua and Barbuda Defense Force. A stalwart is stepping down.
Residents in Antigua and Barbuda have been stocking up on hand sanitizers and other supplies as Covid-19 continues to spread around the world… Jamie J. Roacher...
A call for residents to be calm and responsible in the face of the global spread of Covid-19. That message this evening from Prime Minister Hon....
Calvin ‘Burga’ James will learn his sentence next week following a lengthy sentencing hearing today. The man is being sentenced for five serious offences arising out...
Meanwhile, Director of Education Clare Browne says the government will do its part to ensure the protocols are followed in schools. He says steps are being...
The threat of the coronavirus has led to travel restrictions to and from several countries. Some airlines have also grounded flights. In an Exclusive Interview…ABS’s Cherilyn...