Antigua and Barbuda has roundly condemned a recent vote at the Organization of American States, OAS. Some member states voted for a treaty that clears the...
Attorney General and Legal Affairs Minister the Hon. Steadroy Benjamin promises there will soon be a law school at the UWI Five islands Campus. He says...
The 16th annual OECS Regional Law conference opened this morning at the St. James’ Club. The event, hosted by the Antiguan and Barbudan Bar Association, is...
Sexual harassment in the workplace is an issue that triggers much debate. Attorney General the Honourable Steadroy Benjamin says the government is considering a CARICOM model...
An update to a story we carried last night on ABS News at 7, regarding an upcoming meeting with high-ranking officers of the police force. The...
Serve, Protect and Reassure. It’s what the Police Force does to keep us safe. But some of its members are also talented at calypso, and they...
Another private entity has expressed interest in Antigua and Barbuda’s soon to be blooming medical cannabis industry. Itopia life is proposing to invest ten million E.C....
The government is hopeful, Scotiabank will soon allow a local bank to make a bid for its operations in this country. ABS’ Raghib Apparicio has details...
Five officers from the Royal Police Force of Antigua and Barbuda will be travelling to hurricane-ravaged Northern Bahamas. Acting Police Commissioner Atlee Rodney provided that update...
Acting Police Commissioner Atlee Rodney explains why there has been no arrests in the alleged aggravated robbery of 17-year-old Jahhym Azoo. According to the Top Cop,...