PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad, Prime Minister Kamla Persad Bissessar and her Attorney General Anand Ramlogan have filed pre-action protocol letters against Opposition leader Dr. Keith Rowley...
Ten calypsonians are now slated to go up against the reigning calypso monarch De Bear. According to a press release from the CDC this is due...
After an impressive presentation, Siera Letloe sponsored by Happy Kids is this year’s Optimist Petite winner. Eleven contestants took part in the annual competition which brings...
In the wake of two murders over the weekend, National Security Minister Dr. Errol Cort has expressed sadness over the deaths of Edwin Williams and Tevin...
With crimes such as robberies and shootings plaguing the country and a call for more police presence on the streets, one member of the corporate community...
The family of the ousted Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has accused the army of abducting him. His daughter Shaimaa told a news conference in Cairo that...
NASSAU, Bahamas, July 21, CMC – The police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the discovery of eight bodies on the beach in Grand Bahama early Saturday....
Two days after being beaten and robbed by two teenagers in his business place, Clarence Ferris Owner and Proprietor of C and J Superette is back...
Nelson Mandela is spending his 95th birthday in hospital in Pretoria, as events take place around the world and in South Africa in his honour. The...
The police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the discovery of a decomposed body of a Martin’s Village man, Wednesday morning. The body of 53yrs Wilton Dixon...