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ECAB’s General Manager Says Company Embraces Housing Project



The Eastern Caribbean Amalgamated Bank (ECAB), the government of Antigua and Barbuda and the Bau Panel investors have entered a partnership that is expected to revolutionize the housing landscape of the Twin Island State.

ECAB’s General Manager, Henry Hazel has said that his company is pleased to have embraced the idea, as unprecedented moves have been made in an effort to provide affordable housing to nationals.

This cooperation will result on the growth of the CHAPA-BAU Housing project for the construction of five thousand affordable homes to be owned by residents through a rent to own arrangement.

The Bank is anticipating the expansion of the development beyond the shores of the twin island state and he commends government for embarking on the process.

Over one thousand prospective home owners have already expressed interest in the CHAPA-BAU Housing Project.

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