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Finance Minister Refers to The CIP as A Game Changer



Finance and Economy Minister the Hon. Harold Lovell says the Citizenship by Investment Program CIP will be a “Game Changer” for Antigua and Barbuda.

The CIP program, launched in October of 2013 has been scrutinized by many but Lovell envisions the program to pick up momentum in the near future.

George Georges a Syrian national, who has business interests in Dubai, was one of the first successful CIP applicants.

Georges will be working closely with government to transform the country’s tourism product. Prime Minister Spencer says Georges is interested in ensuring that Antigua and Barbuda gets airlift out of the Dubai area into Antigua.

Lovell speaking on the Thursday night’s edition of the “Your Right to Know….Our Pleasure to Tell” series discussed the government’s performance over the past ten years, particularly in his Ministry.

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