Breaking News

Law enforcement officials seize cannabis worth over $1 million



Law enforcement officials, through a joint effort have seized contraband valued at more than one million dollars. On Monday a drug operation conducted by the Office of National Drug and Money Laundering Control Policy (ONDCP) and supported by the ABDF Coast Guard resulted in a seizure 285.78 lbs of compressed cannabis, 181 marijuana seedlings and four mature plants.

The estimated wholesale value of the compressed cannabis amounts to approximately One Million, One hundred and forty three thousand one hundred and twenty dollars (EC$1,143,120.00). The operation was conducted on the eastern end of the island.

Gareth Walkera, 39, of Antigua and Javan Akeza, 22, of Jamaica, who both reside in St. Philips Village were detained in connection with the seizure. This success comes on the heels of an earlier seizure a month ago, where the ONDCP seized 341lbs of cannabis.

Gareth Walker is charged with Possession of Cannabis, Possession of Cannabis with Intent to Transfer, Being Concerned in the Supply of Cannabis, Drug Traffickingand Cultivation, while Javan Akeza is charged with Possession of Cannabis. They will be arraigned at the All Saints Magistrate Court on Wednesday.

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