



We continue to track issues surrounding intellectual property…
An assertion this evening that protecting your creations from copyright infringement should a priority.
That’s the view of Magistrate and Deputy Registrar of the Antigua and Barbuda Intellectual Property and Commerce Office, Conliffe Clarke.
He says when people feel their creations are being used without their permission, the onus is on them to prove it.
Clarke tells ABS, the most common way to protect yourself is with poor man’s copyright.

Once you have received the email, he says it should be left unopened.

Clarke tells ABS, another method which could be used is voluntary registration; which he says does *not* exist in Antigua and Barbuda.
He says creators are able to sue for damages in the civil court.
He tells ABS, individuals who feel their rights have been infringed can sue for the loss of economic gain due to the unauthorized use of their creation in the civil court.

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