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The Medical Benefits Scheme has sought to allay concerns regarding its supplies of medication.
Officials issued a release on Thursday, assuring beneficiaries it has an adequate stock of medication for the 11 chronic Non-Communicable Diseases covered.
The MBS says despite the challenges in securing medication from overseas due to global supply chain issues, it continues to engage traditional suppliers and find new ones to ensure adequate medication is procured.
Meanwhile, the MBS is seeking to explain the process regarding Specially Authorized Drugs or SADs.
These are drugs requested by a specialist physician on behalf of a named patient.
The scheme says they are processed in a standardized manner through the Board and its subcommittees.
These drugs are generally more expensive and may not be readily available through MBS.
If the Specially Authorized Drugs are not on the MBS’ formulary, the request has to be reviewed by the MBS Board before authorization is given.

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