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Minister Baptiste Urges Populous to Play Role in Coastal Areas Management



Despite grant aid of $14.7 million being given to islands of the OECS to better manage marine areas, Environment Minister the Hon. Hilson Baptiste cautions there must be awareness of the risks to such areas for the project to be a success.

Baptiste made clear that although littering is a problem on beaches, sensitizing the masses could be one way in which coastal areas can be managed throughout the country.

The marine environment around Antigua and Barbuda was the focus of discussions as consultations for the Eastern Caribbean Marine Managed Areas Network (ECMMAN) (eck-man) with The Nature Conservancy group and local stakeholders took place.

Antigua and Barbuda joins other OECS countries that seeks to benefit from this initiative, by improved livelihood opportunities and to protect and improve the health of near-shore and coastal habitats essential to the survival of the fishing industry.

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