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Ministry of Education Investigating Student Brawls

The Ministry of Education has its hands full as yet another video has surfaced of students fighting.
Its release comes just days after a brawl between two girls of a public secondary school went viral on popular social site Facebook.
This latest recording again involves two girls from another secondary institution tussling on the school’s property. But it did not come to blows, as fellow students were shown stepping in to quell the incident.
According to reports, there appears to be a Facebook page dedicated only to displaying videos of students displaying anti-social behavior.
Earlier this week, education officials indicated they have begun an investigation into a fight posted on Facebook of two girls attending a government school, dressed in their uniforms and brawling.
Recordings of fights being posted on social media appear to be a popular trend not only in Antigua.
Last month, a brawl involving ten female students from the same school in Trinidad, that was seen by thousands on Facebook led to their suspension, while an investigation is underway.