Breaking News

On The Search For Wanted Man



Police are appealing to the general public for their assistance in locating Robert Spencer Jr. Aka “Robbie” of Friars Hill Road/Hodges Bay area.

He is approximately 5ft-7ins in height, dark in complexion, and weighs about 140-160lbs.

He is wanted in connection with the recent spate of shootings in the Villa and Point Communities, and other drug related offences.

Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this man is asked to call 911 Emergency Hotline; the Criminal Investigation Department at 462-3913\14, or the Police Intelligence Unit at 720-6085.

He is considered armed and dangerous, and members of the public are asked not to confront him if seen.

Meanwhile, the Police are appealing to Spenser to turn himself in to the police at any police station immediately; accompanied by a family member or his attorney to avoid any unforeseen situation.

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