There is an assurance from the project lead for the expansion of the University of the West Indies Five Islands...
Over 10 per cent of breast cancer cases diagnosed at Sir Lester Bird Medical Centre over the last three years have been in women under the...
The APUA’s Water Business Unit continues to urge its customers to conserve water, despite the imminent lifting of water restrictions in the wake of rains from...
Farmers across the nation are carrying out damage assessments in the wake of the trail of damage carved by Tropical Storm Philippe. ABS News received an...
Antigua and Barbuda’s Ambassador to the Organisation of American States, Sir Ronald Sanders has begun his historic third stint as president of the OAS’ Permanent Council....
Water restrictions are to be lifted for APUA customers within days, as the flood rains from Tropical Storm Philippe swelled drought-parched catchment areas. The APUA’s Water...