The 10:00pm to 6:00am curfew for minors is closer to becoming law, after it was passed by the Senate on...
Junior Social Transformation Minister, Senator Samantha Marshall believes it is time to revisit the age of consent. She was piloting...
The Antigua & Barbuda Customs Department is now in possession of vital equipment to better secure the country’s borders. A formal handing over ceremony was held...
It will now become less costly for parents to transfer ownership of land to their children. That’s because of the passage of the Stamp Amendment Bill...
In this ABS news update… Vendors who sell food and other items from plyboard shacks at Morris Bay are responding to the Prime Minister’s stern warning...
And it’s decision day tomorrow in Dominica… Electors will be voting in general elections following several protests over the past few days and sporadic clashes between...
In this ABS news update… Garion Nathaniel is back home after receiving further treatment in Trinidad and Tobago for gunshot wounds he sustained in Pigotts last...
A frank assessment of the challenges faced by persons with disabilities in the sub-region… Several key stakeholders gathered at the Royalton Antigua for the panel discussion...
The Antigua and Barbuda Sales Tax Amendment Bill 2019 was passed in The Lower House yesterday. The Bill aims to widen the range of vacation properties...
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Browne is sending a warning to those who have set up plywood shacks at Morris Bay.
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Browne is resolute his administration will ensure orderly vending. He says his administration is resolute about ensuring this, insisting the society cannot grow...