Breaking News

PDV CAB Bright Future



Venezuela is reaffirming its commitment to the PetroCaribe agreement and its subsidiary, PVD CAB.

Ambassador of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Carlos Perez says as long as the Bolivarian Revolution of the United Socialist Party is in power the Petro Caribe agreement continues.

Operations Manager PDV CAB Laurie Louard outlines some the benefits Antigua and Barbuda has enjoyed.

These include the utility subsidy programme that offers a hundred dollar monthly utility subsidy to pensioners.

Additionally, there is the peoples benefits programme which is a food subsidy offering of $215 monthly to purchase groceries and personal items.

Petro Caribe is the vision of the late Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez, to share the country’s oil wealth with Caribbean and Latin America states. The aim is to promote development and economic prosperity among the members.

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