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PM Browne Says APUA Debt To Be Written Off Shortly



Persons who have been disconnected and are unable to pay can look forward to their Antigua Public Utilities Authority (APUA) debt being written off – a manifesto promise of the Antigua Barbuda Labour Party (ABLP).

Prime Minister, the Hon. Gaston Browne, who recently met with officials at the statutory body, says very shortly residents should be able to benefit from this initiative, for bills dating back to December 2013.

He also adds that contrary to the rumours being purported in the public, there will be no retrenchmentat APUA.

Browne assures employees that the ABLP is dedicated to empowering individuals and giving them a chance to live better lives.

The nation’s leader has also announced that positive steps are being made towards addressing water rationing, which has been ongoing for several months.

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