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PM Spencer Calls For Patience As ABEC Prepares for Elections

As political parties heighten campaign efforts to boost their chances of forming the next government, Prime Minister the Hon. Baldwin Spencer is calling for patience and understanding in the days ahead.
In a national televised address on Monday night, he urged those involved in the political process to exercise what he calls maturity and good judgment as the country gear up to head to the polls.
Prime Minister Spencer says that now that the court challenges regarding the re-drawing of constituency boundaries and re-registration have been adjudicated by the OECS Supreme Court, the Electoral Commission can now fully concentrate on being in state of readiness.
The Antigua and Barbuda Electoral Commission is charged with the responsibility of facilitating a smooth elections process when it is called.
Parliament was dissolved last Saturday, and general election in Antigua and Barbuda is expected to be held sometime within the next 90 days.