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Police Investigates Death of an AUA Student



Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of an American University of Antigua (AUA) medical student.

Lawmen say, 31 year-old Miminih Tuma Fon, (Min-in-nay To-Na-Fon) of Cameroon, who last resided in Florida, died suddenly at her apartment on Sunday at Serendipity Place, Woods Estate.

It is alleged that the second semester student had sometime earlier in the day complained of feeling unwell and apparently went to her room.

It was further reported that around 2pm, her roommate along with other students went to check on her, after several earlier knocks on her door and calls to her cellular phone went unanswered.

Fon was found lying on her bed and was pronounced dead by the district doctor.

The police have ruled out foul play.

Investigations are still ongoing.

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