HeadlinesPOLICE PROBE BREAK-IN AT HAPPY KIDS STOREPublished 3 years agoon August 20, 2021By ABS TV Radio Share Tweet Report filed by Terry Andrew – Snr. News and Sports Reporter.Store owners in St. John’s City are appealing to law enforcers to increase patrols at nights amidst growing concern over break-ins.Terry Andrew reports. Related Topics: Up NextANTIGUA BARBUDA & NIGERIA TO COLLABORATE Don't MissHEALTH MINISTER EXPRESSES CONCERN OVER RISING YOUTH INFECTIONS Continue Reading You may like Click to commentLeave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *Comment *Name * Email * Website Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.Human Verification * Time limit is exhausted. Please reload the CAPTCHA. + 1 = AdvertisementLatestTrendingVideos Headlines2 hours agoA&B INSISTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY FULFIL ITS PLEDGE ON REPARATIONS Uncategorized2 hours agoNODS ASSURES OF PREPAREDNESS FOR ANY TSUNAMI THREATS Headlines2 hours agoAPUA TO RESTORE WATER STORAGE TANK IN BUCKLEY’S BY MAY THIS YEAR Headlines2 hours agoCARDIOLOGIST WARNS ABOUT THE LINK BETWEEN DIET, SMOKING AND HEART ATTACKS Headlines2 hours agoAGRICULTURE MINISTER RAMPS UP PRODUCTION OF ANTIGUA BLACK PINEAPPLE Headlines2 days agoST JOHN’S TAXI ASSOCIATION WELCOMES ‘FRUITFUL’ CRUISE SEASON Headlines2 days agoGOVERNMENT TO MAKE IT EASIER FOR EMPLOYEES TO CHANGE TRADE UNIONS News6 days agoAGS FINETUNES PREPARATIONS FOR RUGBY TOURNEY Headlines6 days agoNATIONAL MUSIC AWARDS HONOURS TALENT, EXCELLENCE Headlines5 days agoAPUA TO TACKLE AGED VALVE SYSTEM TO IMPROVE WATER DISTRIBUTION Local1 year agoABS EVENING NEWS (LOCAL SEGMENT & WEATHER REPORT) 19.1.2024 Local1 year agoABS EVENING NEWS (LOCAL SEGMENT & WEATHER REPORT) 18.1.2024 Local1 year agoABS EVENING NEWS (LOCAL SEGMENT & WEATHER REPORT) 16.1.2024 Local1 year agoABS EVENING NEWS (LOCAL SEGMENT & WEATHER REPORT) 14.1.2024 Local1 year agoABS EVENING NEWS (LOCAL SEGMENT & WEATHER REPORT) 11.1.2024