Breaking News

Rev. Canon Hodge Laid To Rest



Flags were flown at half mast throughout the State today (Thur) as the country pays final farewell to the former chaplain of the legislature, the late Anglican Priest, Reverend Canon Bernard Hodge.

Hodge, who passed away on April 19 after a period of illness at the age of 75, was accorded an official funeral with full military honors.

The Minister of National Security and Labour Dr. Hon. Senator Errol Cort paid tribute on behalf of the government.

The first lesson was done by Her Excellency Governor General Dame Louise Lake Tack.

His son Colin Hodge presented the Eulogy.

A three volley gun salute was fired as the body was interred at the St. Peter’s Anglican Churchyard Cemetery.

Here are highlights from the service of thanks giving.

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