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Statics Bill Passed



The National Bureau of Statistic Act 2013 was passed in the Upper House of Parliament. The Bill will see the removal of the Government Statistic Department and the formation of a new statutory body aimed at ensuring the independence of data within the twin island state. Leader of Government Business in the Senate the Hon. Dr. Errol Cort says for far too long the credibility of the information provided has been questioned by many.  Cort says he has all confidence in the department and does not believe that anyone would directly give wrong information but adds that the Act will seek to make things right.

ALP representative in the Senate, Lennox Weston says in his view a statutory body will not build credibility for the statistics department. Weston says the introduction of a statutory corporation of that size would be an added debt on the country’s pocket.

A Board will be instated from a seven man team selected by Cabinet.



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