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The ABS TV And DARF Telethon Initiative Ends On A Celebratory Note As EC$100,000 Is Raised For Dominica



Just a week after spearheading a telethon dubbed Dominica will Rise”, ABS Television in collaboration with the Dominica Antigua Relief Fund –(DARF), led a fresh charge Thursday evening to raise a hundred thousand dollars for the ongoing relief efforts in Dominica-and they reached their goal.
It was a night chuck filled with entertainment and pledges coming in not only from locals via the telephone operators in studio, but social media came alive and kicking with many lending their support for Dominica.
Acres Stowe, of DARF, says the night was a success and he is very elated that general manager, Erna-Mae Brathwaite and Producer Eldean Eudelle and their team decided to return for the second round of the telethon and they should be commended for making the event possible.
Stowe singled out the many persons who either called, donated or pledged to the cause and to the talented Antiguans and Barbudans who performed.
Dominica is still reeling from the effects of Tropical Storm Erika. As a result of the massive flooding and landslides, over 30 lives were lost and infrastructure destroyed.
We look back at memorable moments from the Telethon dubbed Dominica will Rise Part 2.

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