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The Customs & Excise Division plans to Increase Cash flow



The Customs and Excise Division will see a number of changes this year aimed at increasing cash flows.

During a brief press briefing on Wednesday, officials within the division say top priority will be given to address infrastructure problems to improving the working environment of various Customs post.

This year, greater emphasis will also be placed on trade facilitation and the department will be working vigorously at building capacities to implement various components of the obligations of the process under the new World Trade Organization (WTO) agreement on Customs Cooperation.

Meanwhile, there was a decline of 8.6 million dollars in revenues collected in at the end of 2013.

Public Relations Officer, Milton Aska, says among the factors that has affected the overall collection, was the abolition of the Embarkation Tax.

He says this levy amounted to approximately 12.5 million dollars for 9 months in 2012 until it was repealed.

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