Wider Plot!

PARAMARIBO, Suriname, Sept 3, CMC – President Desi Bouterse Tuesday hinted that the arrest of his 41-year-old son in Panama last week may have been part of a wider plan to disrupt progress within the Union of American States (UNASUR).
Dino Bouterse was held on drugs and gun related charges last Thursday at the request of US authorities, just as South American Heads of State were gathering in Paramaribo for their annual summit.
“They chose a perfect moment. I couldn’t have done it better and I have to respect that. Fortunately it didn’t reach its intended goal,” Bouterse told a news conference on Tuesday.
Bouterse was travelling on a diplomatic passport, had been indicted for trafficking 10 kilos of cocaine last July.
The indictment alleges that together with fellow suspect, Edmund Muntslag, who was also arrested last Thursday in Trinidad, Dino Bouterse has been involved in the trafficking of drugs since 2011.
At his arraignment in New York on Friday, Bouterse pleaded guilty and law enforcement officials in the United States say he faces a maximum term of life in prison.