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Beaches Resort Project To Add More Air Traffic



St.John’s. Antigua – Antigua can look forward to additional air traffic from Canada when the Beaches resort opens on island.

Air Canada Leisure Group’s President and CEO, Friisdah Michael has promised to add more capacity to its flights going into Antigua.

Speaking during a recent press trip at the Beaches Resort in the Turks and Caicos Michael said Air Canada has a 32-year relationship with the Sandals Group, hence his certainty that the seats would be needed once the Antigua Beaches project is completed.

Machael Say:

Michael also believes that with Sandals and Beaches having such a high percentage of returning guests and good occupancy all year round, this guarantees bookings for Air Canada.

Meanwhile, Sandals Chairman the Hon. Gordon “Butch” Stewart looks forward to the deal which he terms as a win win situation.

Stewart Say:

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