Where there is fire there could be burn victims. It is with this in mind that the Emergency Medical Service is joining forces with the Antigua...
A portion of a 5.2 million dollar funding is in the pipeline for Antigua and Barbuda, to support the care and treatment of those afflicted with...
Even as national debate is set to intensify over the issue of net neutrality… Net neutrality refers to the principle that internet service providers should not...
A local soca artiste and a Disc Jockey have joined the chorus of concerns about the non-inclusion of some local artistes, particularly the smaller acts, in...
We begin with news that there has been a major development in efforts to deepen ties between this country and the Dominican Republic. A special trade...
Senior members of the government have met with the grieving family of Oniqua ‘Nikki’ Phillip, even as the family searches for answers and closure following the...
Minister with responsibility for national security, the Hon. Steadroy Cutie Benjamin, is resolute that there is no evidence that law enforcement fired tear gas into the...
The Police have told ABS news that they have broadened their investigation into the horrific freak accident on Tuesday which claimed the life of a 25...
Proactive measures are what health authorities say will keep Zika away. Those actions are aimed at eliminating the problem from the root – that is getting...
Calypso selections and the all-inclusive fetes are some areas that could be addressed for the benefit of the overall Carnival product and its stakeholders. The Honourable...